Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Improve your Photography ......... For eBay

I have been studying the art of photography over the last couple of days and have concluded that my meagre point and shoot efforts will have to cease . There is much more too it than that .

Quality photo's matter. The old proverb " a picture is worth a thousand words ", for eBay is very true

So how are your ebay photo's shaping up ?...Below you will find some interesting web articles for you to browse and learn from... click on the titles..

1. An article by Kerry Drager on BetterPhoto.com entitled "How to take better photo's of your products "

2. Peter Horner's top ten tips found on EzineArticles.com. Ths one is entitled : "Taking great product photo's for eBay".

3. David Steiners innovative article on his EZCUBE .... "Taking better photographs with the EZcube"

4. Or if you prefer to sit down with a good book then try this Rod Marsh's " Taking great pictures for ebay auctions and online selling"

If anyone out there has some more advice for better pics then please share it with us all in the comments .....


markmcc said...

Good stuff Rob. I'm coming back later tonight to read some of these articles. It's very timely for me as I'm only petending to be a photographer. I've taken about 300 pics so far with mixed results at best.

One thing I've been doing lately is bringing my photos into a photoshop type of program, I'm using Corel Photopaint and Coreldraw.

The other day I had my 15 year old son doing a photoshoot of yours truly. What a ham I am. When I uploaded the phots to my computer I noticed I had a spot of leprosy on the right side of my face. It was on all the pics. Must have been something on the lens. I hope!!

Just touched up the photos in a jiff in Photopaint and I looked as handsome as ever.

Thanks for the articles!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree with Mark. I've been mulling over whether I should get one of these EZ tents, and now I'm convinced.

Thanks Rob for the extraordinarily helpful articles!


Rob. said...

I think I will be investing in one of them as well ..i bet you can get them on eBay :-)


Anonymous said...

LOL - you certainly can get the photo thingys on eBay.

A great place to talk with lots of great folks who range from professional (make a living from) photographers to lots of us rank amateurs is http://www.anglersnet.co.uk/forums/index.php?showforum=34

You'd never think of a mainly fishing forum as offering a great photography section but this one does. UK based site and mainly UK members but a few of us from the US, OZ, and other assorted locations.

Rob. said...

Thanks for the advice Newt ..i'll check it out
