Thursday, March 02, 2006

You need this ...for eBay

I have just been having a look at the Auction Genius blog and was pointed to This web service for eBayers .... amazing site.

It's called Mpire research .... and they provide you with a stack of information about any item you want to sell is a fantastic research tool ...and like Auction Genius says ...

"How would you like to get this information at any time, for no cost? I think the folks running this site must be nuts, because I have paid for information like this but they're giving it away. I don't understand it, but I am happy to take advantage of their generosity and you should be too. "

You must check it out ...takes 30 seconds to register


Anonymous said...

Rob, amazling site mPire...thanks for providing this link!


Rob. said...

Dont thank me ...thank Auction Genius
